March 23, 2010

There's got to be a morning after

In the aftermath of yesterday's maelstrom on health care reform, there is the usual Washington punditry in the mainstream newspapers, breathlessly focusing on winners and losers, who's up and who's down, why this would have made or broken Obama, and the political ramifications and adjustments of power that will come in the wake of such a momentous decision.

And then there are day-after pieces and analysts who are actually worth reading.

As usual, the New York Times breaks it down neatly through easily digestible graphics and relevant comparisons, and their Prescriptions blog is an up-to-date, go-to source to stay on top of the debate.  MSNBC's Rachel Maddow had a great segment putting the weekend's verbal assaults against Massachusetts Representative Barney Frank, an openly gay congressman, and Georgia Representative John Lewis, a civil rights hero, into context, and the role of government in solving big problems (the segments are on the right side of the TRMS blog page) and Salon's Joe Canoson delves into where the united GOP opposition goes from here.

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